
  • Mengi-Dinçer, H., Ediger, V.Ş., 2019, “Contribution of IRENA in Global Transition to Renewable Energy” ESCC 2019-6th International Conference on Energy, Sustainability and Climate Change, 3-5 June 2019, Crete, Greece.
  • Karagöz, G.N., Ediger, V.Ş., 2019, “Turkey’s National Energy Policies Towards Decreasing the Dependency on Energy Imports” Multinational Energy and Value Conference, 23-25 May 2019, Ankara, Turkey.
  • Şuşoğlu, M.B., Ediger, V.Ş., 2019, “Switching to Decentralized Renewable Energy Systems for Sustainable Development in Turkey” Multinational Energy and Value Conference, 23-25 May 2019, Ankara, Turkey.
  • Ediger, V.Ş., 2018, “Multi-Energy Transition from Fossil Fuels to Renewables”, CPESE 2018-5th International Conference on Power and Energy Systems Engineering, 19-21 Sept. 2018, Nogaya, Japan.
  • Massaga, D. J., Kirkil, G., 2018. "Renewable Energy Transition Scenario Analysis for Turkey." 2018 European Geophysical Union (EGU) Meeting.
  • Yucekaya, A., “A Simulation Approach of Revenue Maximization Strategies for Turkish Domestic Airlines”, International Conference on Advanced Technologies, Computer Engineering and Science (ICATCES’18), May 11-13, 2018 Safranbolu, Turkey, pp.369-373.
  • Çelebi, E., "Integrated Models for Generation/Transmission Investments and Market-Clearing Equilibrium in Electricity Markets" INFORMS Annual Meeting 2017, 22-25 Ekim 2017, Houston, Texas, USA.
  • Çelebi, E., "Integrated Regional Electricity Planning Models: Generation/Transmission Investments and Market-Clearing Equilibrium", IFORS 2017, 17-21 Temmuz 2017, Quebec City, Canada.
  • Çelebi, E., "Elektrik Piyasalarında Piyasa-Takas Dengesi ile Bütünleşik İletim/Üretim Yatırım Modelleri ve Çözüm Yöntemleri", Yöneylem Araştırması ve Endüstri Mühendisliği 37. Ulusal Kongresi (YAEM 2017), 05-07 Temmuz 2017, YTÜ, İstanbul, Turkey
  • Çelebi, E., "A robust optimization approach for integrated transmission/generation investments and market equilibrium models under uncertain wind generation and demand", International Conference Windfarms 2017, 31 Mayıs - 02 Haziran 2017, Madrid, Spain
  • Ediger, V.Ş., Berk, İ., 2017, “Geostrategic Challenges in the Oil and Gas Sectors”, 6th Multinational Energy and Value Conference, 18-19 May 2017, Kalkanlı, TRNC.
  • Ediger, V.Ş., Bowlus, J., 2017, “A Farewell to King Coal: Global Power and the Transition to Oil, 1901-17”, EOGAN-European Oil & Gas Archives Network, 1-2 June 2017, Paris.
  • Ediger, V.Ş., 2017, “Geopolitics and Global Trends”, 22nd World Petroleum Congress, 9-13 July 2017, İstanbul, RT-11, Panel Discussant. Abstract Book.
  •  Kirkil, G., 2017. "Short-term Wind Forecasting at Wind Farms using WRF-LES and Actuator Disk Model." 2017 European Geophysical Union (EGU) Meeting.
  • Kirkil, G., 2017. "Nested high-resolution atmospheric boundary layer simulations using WRF-LES." 2017 European Geophysical Union (EGU) Meeting.
  • Yucekaya, A., “A Simulation Approach to Evaluate the Effect of Generator and Compressor Capacity on the Economic Performance of Compressed Air Energy Storage Systems”, International Conference on Energy and Thermal Engineering, pp.353-357, 25-28 April 2017, Yildiz Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey.
  • Yucekaya, A., “Cost Minimizing Fuel-coal Selection for Power Plants under Operational Constraints”, International Conference on Advances and Innovations in Engineering (ICAIE), pp.97-103, May, 10-12, 2017, Elazig, Turkey. 
  • Yucekaya, A., “A Decision Support System for the Optimum Log Transportation”, International Conference on Advances and Innovations in Engineering (ICAIE), pp.124-128, May, 10-12, 2017, Elazig, Turkey.
  • Yucekaya, A., “Evaluating the Electricity Supply in Turkey Under Economic Growth and Increasing Electricity Demand”, International Congress on Fundamental and Applied Sciences (ICFAS’2017), 21-25 August, 2017 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
  • Çelebi, E., Fuller J. D., "Tam Sayılı Karar Değişkenli Elektrik Piyasaları için Alternatif Modeller", Yöneylem Araştırması ve Endüstri Mühendisliği 36. Ulusal Kongresi (YAEM 2016), 13-15 Temmuz 2016, Yaşar Üniversitesi, İzmir, Turkey
  • Çelebi, E. "Tam Sayılı Karar Değişkenli Elektrik Piyasaları için Alternatif Modeller", Yöneylem Araştırması ve Endüstri Mühendisliği 36. Ulusal Kongresi (YAEM 2016), 13-15 Temmuz 2016, Yaşar Üniversitesi, İzmir, Turkey
  • Şentürk, C, Çelebi, E., "Türkiye elektrik sistemi için bölgesel piyasa takas modelleri ve analizi", Yöneylem Araştırması ve Endüstri Mühendisliği 36. Ulusal Kongresi (YAEM 2016), 13-15 Temmuz 2016, Yaşar Üniversitesi, İzmir, Turkey
  • Uyan, Z., Çelebi, E., "Türkiye Güç Sistemi için Tahmin Hatalarını Hesaba Katan Bir İki-Seviyeli Kapasite Projeksiyon ve Piyasa-Takas Modeli", Yöneylem Araştırması ve Endüstri Mühendisliği 36. Ulusal Kongresi (YAEM 2016), 13-15 Temmuz 2016, Yaşar Üniversitesi, İzmir, Turkey
  • Çelebi, E., "Integrated Models for Generation/Transmission Investments and Market-Clearing Equilibrium in Electricity Markets", Computational Management Science (CMS) Conference 2016, 31 Mayıs - 02 Haziran 2016, Salamanca, Spain.
  • Yucekaya, A., “A Multi-Period Simulation Approach To Evaluate Landfill Gas Energy Potential Of Turkey Based On The EPA Model”, 8th International Ege Energy Symposium and Exhibition, 11-13 Mayıs, 2016, Afyonkarahisar, Turkey.
  • Yucekaya, A., “Job Scheduling Using Sequence Dependent Changeover Times: Unilever Case”, 17th International Symposium on Econometrics, Operations Research and Statistics (ISEOS 2016), 2-4 June, 2016, Sivas, Turkey.
  • Yucekaya, A.,Ringim, I, “A Decision Support System for the Assembly Line Balancing Problem”, 17th International Symposium on Econometrics, Operations Research and Statistics (ISEOS 2016), 2-4 June, 2016, Sivas, Turkey.
  • Yücekaya, A., “Al ya da Öde Kısıtı ve Talep Belirsizliği Altında Kısa Dönem Doğalgaz Alım Taahhüdü Problemi”, 35.Yöneylem Araştırması ve Endüstri Mühendisliği Konferansı (YAEM’15), 9-11 Eylül 2015, ODTÜ, Ankara, Turkey
  • Çelebi, E., “Elektrik Piyasalarında Üretim/İletim Yatırım Modelleri ile Piyasa Denge Modellerinin Bütünleştirilmesi”, 35.Yöneylem Araştırması ve Endüstri Mühendisliği Konferansı (YAEM’15), 9-11 Eylül 2015, ODTÜ, Ankara, Turkey
  • Çelebi, E. ve Fuller, J. D., “Comparison of Four Models of Near Equilibrium for a Centrally Dispatched Pool Market with Nonconvexities”. 27th European Conference On Operations Research (EURO 2015), 12-15 July 2015, Glasgow, UK.
  • Yücekaya, A., “A Black-Scholes approach for the Pricing of Electric Power Options in Turkish Power Market”, IIER 19th International Conference on Engineering and Natural Science (ICENS’2015), 5-6 June, 2015, St. Petersburg, Russia 
  • Fuller, J.D., Çelebi, E., 2015. “Four Models of Near Equilibrium for a Centrally Dispatched Pool Market with Nonconvexities”. CORS/INFORMS Joint International Meeting, 14-17 June 2015, Montreal, Canada.
  • Yücekaya, A., “Evaluating the Energy Resources in Turkey Under Economic Growth and Increasing Energy Demand”, 16th International Symposium on Econometrics, Operations Research and Statistics (ISEOS 2015), 7-12 May, 2015, Edirne, Türkiye
  • Ucal M., “Analysis of Awareness And Climate Change Impact İn Energy Efficiency Of Household Appliances”, 16th International Symposium on Econometrics, Operations Research and Statistics, 7-12 May, 2015, Edirne, Türkiye.
  • Yücekaya, A., “An Analysis of Coal as an Energy Source: Production and Logistics”, International Conference on Economic and Social Studies (ICESOS’15), 23-24 April, 2015,Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Ucal M., Oturum 10: Enerjinin Verimli Kullanılması ve Sürdürülebilirlik - Başarılı Örnekler, CNR Energy Istanbul Conference, 19-21 Mart 2015, İstanbul, Türkiye.